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Version: v1.6.0

cscli alerts list

cscli alerts list

List alerts

cscli alerts list [filters] [flags]


cscli alerts list
cscli alerts list --ip
cscli alerts list --range
cscli alerts list -s crowdsecurity/ssh-bf
cscli alerts list --type ban


  -a, --all               Include decisions from Central API
--until string restrict to alerts older than until (ie. 4h, 30d)
--since string restrict to alerts newer than since (ie. 4h, 30d)
-i, --ip string restrict to alerts from this source ip (shorthand for --scope ip --value <IP>)
-s, --scenario string the scenario (ie. crowdsecurity/ssh-bf)
-r, --range string restrict to alerts from this range (shorthand for --scope range --value <RANGE/X>)
--type string restrict to alerts with given decision type (ie. ban, captcha)
--scope string restrict to alerts of this scope (ie. ip,range)
-v, --value string the value to match for in the specified scope
--origin string the value to match for the specified origin (cscli,crowdsec,console,cscli-import,lists,CAPI ...)
--contained query decisions contained by range
-m, --machine print machines that sent alerts
-l, --limit int limit size of alerts list table (0 to view all alerts) (default 50)
-h, --help help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

      --color string    Output color: yes, no, auto (default "auto")
-c, --config string path to crowdsec config file (default "/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml")
--debug Set logging to debug
--error Set logging to error
--info Set logging to info
-o, --output string Output format: human, json, raw
--trace Set logging to trace
--warning Set logging to warning