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Version: v1.6.0

Using our Python SDK

This python SDK is designed for signal sharing partners to send signals and benefit from the community blocklist. Learn more about signal sharing.

Our SDK does the heavy lifting of the CAPI connectivity so you can simply, sendSignals and getDecisions, as well as enroll your soft-agent into the console.


Make sure you have Python 3.9+ installed.

From source

pip install git+

Usage Guide

Here is a quick example of how to use the SDK to send signals to the API.

from cscapi.client import CAPIClient, CAPIClientConfig
from cscapi.sql_storage import SQLStorage
from cscapi.utils import create_signal, generate_machine_id_from_key

config = CAPIClientConfig(
scenarios=["crowdsecurity/ssh-bf", "acme/http-bf"],
# Scenarios you're sending signals for
# Prefix for the user agent used to make calls to CrowdSec API
client = CAPIClient(

# Fetch signals from your data, and convert it into format accepted by CrowdSec
signals = [
attacker_ip="<attacker_ip>", # Replace this with value from your signals
created_at="2023-11-17 10:20:46 +0000",
machine_id=generate_machine_id_from_key(key="<key>", prefix="mycompany"),
# set value of key to something that's unique to a machine from which this signal has originated from. Eg IP


# This stores the signals in the database

# This sends all the unsent signals to the API.
# You need to chron this call to send signals periodically.

# This enrolls the specified machines in the CrowdSec Console.
# This is a one time operation for each machine id you want to enroll.
machine_ids=[generate_machine_id_from_key("<key>", prefix="mycompany")],
name="mymachine", tags=["ssh-honeypot"]

# This fetches decisions for the specified machine id and ip.
# This machine id must be validated by CrowdSec Team.
decisions = client.get_decisions(
main_machine_id = "validated_machine_id",

To obtain attachment key for enrolling a machine see this doc

See reference section for more details.

Good practices

  • Don't call send_signals too often. Once every 5-20 minutes is a good frequency.
  • Call enroll_machines only once for each machine you want to enroll.
  • Call get_decisions 0.5-4 hours



scenarios: List[str],
max_retries: int = 3,
latency_offset: int = 10,
user_agent_prefix: str = "",
retry_delay: int = 5)

This class contains configuration for the client.

Constructor Parameters:

  • scenarios: A list of scenarios that you want to send signals for.
  • max_retries: Maximum number of retries to make when sending signals to the API.
  • latency_offset: Offset to calculate machin login expiration.
  • user_agent_prefix: Prefix for the user agent used to make calls to CrowdSec API.
  • retry_delay: Delay between retries when sending signals to the API

cscapi.client.CAPIClient(storage: StorageInterface, config: CAPIClientConfig)

This is the main class that you will use to interact with the CrowdSec API.

Contructor Parameters:

  • storage: An instance of a class that implements StorageInterface. This is used to store signals that are sent to the API.
  • config: An instance of CAPIClientConfig that contains configuration for the client.

CAPIClient.add_signals(self, signals: List[SignalModel])

This method takes a list of SignalModel instances and stores them using the provided storage interface.

CAPIClient.send_signals(self, prune_after_send: bool = True)

This method sends all unsent signals to CrowdSec. If prune_after_send is set to True (which is the default), signals are removed from the storage after they are sent.

CAPIClient.enroll_machines(self, machine_ids: List[str], name: str, attachment_key: str, tags: List[str])

This method enrolls the specified machines in the CrowdSec Console. This is a one time operation for each machine id you want to enroll.

CAPIClient.get_decisions(self, machine_id: str, ip: str)

This method fetches decisions for the specified machine id and ip. This machine id must be validated by CrowdSec Team.


This module contains utility functions that you can use to create signals and generate machine ids.

cscapi.utils.create_signal(attacker_ip: str, scenario: str, created_at: str, machine_id: str, **kwargs)

This method creates a instance from the provided parameters.

cscapi.utils.generate_machine_id_from_key(key: str, prefix: str)

This method generates a machine id from the provided key and prefix. Generated machine is is always same for a given key and prefix.

This class implements and can be used to store signals in a SQL database.

Constructor Parameters:

This is an interface that you can implement to store signals in your own storage. You can use the provided SQLStorage class to store signals in a SQLite database.