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Here is an example of a profile that provides users with a captcha challenge when they trigger a HTTP scenario.


You MUST have configured a remediation component that supports captcha challenges, see Remediation.

name: captcha_remediation
- Alert.Remediation == true && Alert.GetScope() == "Ip" && Alert.GetScenario() contains "http"
## Any scenario with http in its name will trigger a captcha challenge
- type: captcha
duration: 4h
on_success: break
name: default_ip_remediation
- Alert.Remediation == true && Alert.GetScope() == "Ip"
- type: ban
duration: 4h
#duration_expr: "Sprintf('%dh', (GetDecisionsCount(Alert.GetValue()) + 1) * 4)"
on_success: break

The key piece of profile to point out is the on_success directive. It is set to break to ensure that the alert will not be evaluated by other profiles so the offender will only get a captcha decision.

However, you may want to provide a limit to captcha challenges within a period of time to a given IP address because they may ignore your captcha challenges and still cause load on your server.

You can use the GetDecisionsCount or GetDecisionsSinceCount helper to achieve this:

name: captcha_remediation
- Alert.Remediation == true && Alert.GetScope() == "Ip" && Alert.GetScenario() contains "http" && GetDecisionsSinceCount(Alert.GetValue(), "24h") <= 3
## Same as above but only 3 captcha decision per 24 hours before ban
- type: captcha
duration: 4h
on_success: break
name: default_ip_remediation
- Alert.Remediation == true && Alert.GetScope() == "Ip"
- type: ban
duration: 4h
#duration_expr: "Sprintf('%dh', (GetDecisionsCount(Alert.GetValue()) + 1) * 4)"
on_success: break
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