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Version: v1.4.0


antonmedv/expr - Expression evaluation engine for Go: fast, non-Turing complete, dynamic typing, static typing

Several places of CrowdSec's configuration use expr, notably :

  • Filters that are used to determine events eligibility in parsers, scenarios and profiles
  • Statics use expr in the expression directive, to compute complex values
  • Whitelists rely on expression directive to allow more complex whitelists filters

To learn more about expr, check the github page of the project.

When CrowdSec relies on expr, a context is provided to let the expression access relevant objects :

  • evt. is the representation of the current event and is the most relevant object
  • in profiles, alert is accessible via the Alert object

If the debug is enabled (in the scenario or parser where expr is used), additional debug will be displayed regarding evaluated expressions.


In order to makes its use in CrowdSec more efficient, we added a few helpers that are documented bellow.

Atof(string) float64

Parses a string representation of a float number to an actual float number (binding on strconv.ParseFloat)


JsonExtract(JsonBlob, FieldName) string

Extract the FieldName from the JsonBlob and returns it as a string. (binding on jsonparser)

JsonExtract(evt.Parsed.some_json_blob, "[0].one_item")

JsonExtractSlice(JsonBlob, FieldName) []interface{}

Extract the JSON array in FieldName from JsonBlob and returns it as a go slice.

Returns nil if the field does not exist or is not an array.

JsonExtractSlice(evt.Parsed.message, "params")[0]['value']['login']

any(JsonExtractSlice(evt.Parsed.message, "params"), {.key == 'user' && .value.login != ''})

JsonExtractObject(JsonBlob, FieldName) map[string]interface{}

Extract the JSON object in FieldName from JsonBlob and returns it as a go map.

Returns nil if the field does not exist or does is not an object.

JsonExtractObject(evt.Parsed.message, "params.user")["login"]

ToJsonString(Obj) string

Returns the JSON representation of obj

Returns an empty string if obj cannot be serialized to JSON.

ToJsonString(JsonExtractSlice(evt.Parsed.message, "params"))

File(FileName) []string

Returns the content of FileName as an array of string, while providing cache mechanism.

evt.Parsed.some_field in File('some_patterns.txt')

any(File('rdns_seo_bots.txt'), { evt.Enriched.reverse_dns endsWith #})

RegexpInFile(StringToMatch, FileName) bool

Returns true if the StringToMatch is matched by one of the expressions contained in FileName (uses RE2 regexp engine).

RegexpInFile( evt.Enriched.reverse_dns, 'my_legit_seo_whitelists.txt')

Upper(string) string

Returns the uppercase version of the string


IpInRange(IPStr, RangeStr) bool

Returns true if the IP IPStr is contained in the IP range RangeStr (uses net.ParseCIDR)

IpInRange("", "")

IpToRange(IPStr, MaskStr) IpStr

Returns the subnet of the IP with the request cidr size. It is intended for scenarios taking actions against the range of an IP, not the IP itself :

type: leaky
type: Range
expression: IpToRange(evt.Meta.source_ip, "/16")

IpToRange("", "24") returns

IpToRange("", "16") returns

TimeNow() string

Return RFC3339 formatted time


KeyExists(key string, map map[string]interface{}) bool

Return true if the key exist in the map.

ParseUri(string) map[string][]string

Parses an URI into a map of string list.

ParseURI("/foo?a=1&b=2") would return :

"a": []string{"1"},
"b": []string{"2"}

XMLGetAttributeValue(xmlString string, path string, attributeName string) string

Returns the value of attribute in the XML node identified by the XPath query path.

XMLGetAttributeValue(evt.Line.Raw, "/Event/System[1]/Provider", "Name")

XMLGetNodeValue(xmlString string, path string) string

Returns the content of the XML node identified by the XPath query path.

XMLGetNodeValue(evt.Line.Raw, "/Event/System[1]/EventID")

IsIPV6(ip string) bool

Returns true if it's a valid IPv6.



GetDecisionsCount(value string) int

Returns the number of existing decisions in database with the same value.



GetDecisionsSinceCount(value string, since string) int

Returns the number of existing decisions in database with the same value since duration string (valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".).

GetDecisionsCount("", "7h")

GetDecisionsCount(Alert.GetValue(), "30min")

Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string

Official doc : Sprintf formats according to a format specifier and returns the resulting string.

Sprintf('%dh', 1) returns 1h

Alert specific helpers

Alert.Remediation bool

Is true if the alert asks for a remediation. Will be true for alerts from scenarios with remediation: true flag. Will be false for alerts from manual cscli decisions add commands (as they come with their own decision).

Alert.GetScenario() string

Returns the name of the scenario that triggered the alert.

Alert.GetScope() string

Returns the scope of an alert. Most common value is Ip. Country and As are generally used for more distributed attacks detection/remediation.

Alert.GetValue() string

Returns the value of an alert. field value of a Source, most common value can be a IPv4, IPv6 or other if the Scope is different than Ip.

Alert.GetSources() []string

Return the list of IP addresses in the alert sources.

Alert.GetEventsCount() int32

Return the number of events in the bucket.

Event specific helpers

Event.GetType() string

Returns the type of an Event : overflow or log.

Event.GetMeta(key string) string

Return the value of the Meta[key] in the Event object (Meta are filled only for events of type overflow).

Source specific helpers

Source.GetValue() string

Return the Source.Value field value of a Source.

Source.GetScope() string

Return the Source.Scope field value of Source (ip, range ...)