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This section will describe how to access to our CTI API and the different plans available.
If you want to know more about the CTI API itself, you can check the CTI API documentation.

Creating a CTI API Key

You can create a CTI API key via the + short cut on the top right corner that will lead you to the CrowdSec Console settings, CTI API Key section.

CTI API Key Creation

CrowdSec Create API Key PageCrowdSec Create API Key Page

CTI Plans

The CTI API contains multiple endpoints that are not all accessible with any plan.
You can check the Swagger There ↗️.

The different plans are the following:

Ip Lookup Plans

Those CTI API plans give you access to the search by IP and search query endpoints.
They return CrowdSec CTI enriched information about IPS.
IP returned will consume one token from your quota.

The CTI endpoint accessible with those keys are: /smoke/{ip} and /smoke/search

The plans quotas are the following:

Advanced plans

Those CTI API plans extend access to all CTI API endpoints:

  • /smoke : Allowing batch IP lookup
  • /fire : To stream all enriched IPs from our CrowdSec Intelligence Blocklist

Contact us to activate an extended key for additional quota ↗️