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Docker / Podman Deployment


Prerequisites are written for bare metal installations. Please keep in mind the containerization layer may make some of these items unnecessary.

Before getting started it is advised to read the prerequisites page to understand the requirements for running CrowdSec.


We will presume you have Docker installed on your system. If not, you can install it by following the instructions on the official Docker website.


Docker run command will run a container, this is useful for testing and development purposes.

docker run -d \
--name crowdsec \
--volume /etc/crowdsec:/etc/crowdsec \
--volume /var/lib/crowdsec/data/:/var/lib/crowdsec/data/ \
--volume /var/log:/var/log:ro \

However, for most users it is recommended to use compose module for production deployments. Since it allows you to define your container deployments in a more structured format.


Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container setups in a structured format. It uses a YAML file to configure the application's services, networks, and volumes.

Here is a snippet:

image: crowdsecurity/crowdsec
restart: always
COLLECTIONS: "crowdsecurity/nginx"
GID: "${GID-1000}"
- 'reverse-proxy'
- ./crowdsec/acquis.yaml:/etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml
- logs:/var/log/nginx
- crowdsec-db:/var/lib/crowdsec/data/
- crowdsec-config:/etc/crowdsec/

Compose snippet was taken from our example-docker-compose repository which contains many examples of how CrowdSec container can be used in different setups.

Compose key aspects

If you dont find an example that fits your needs, you can create your own docker-compose.yml file. Here are the key aspects:

Provide Access To Logs

Since CrowdSec is running within a container layer you need to provide access to log sources within the example above we provide a named volume called logs which other containers will output their log files too.

- logs:/var/log/nginx
Persistent Data Directories

We recommend persisting the following directories:

- crowdsec-db:/var/lib/crowdsec/data/ ## Data Directory
- crowdsec-config:/etc/crowdsec/ ## Configuration Directory

If you haven't used named volumes within Docker before you can read their documentation here

Depends On

Depends on directive allows Docker to bring up the compose stack in "order", the reason we use it within the snippet the container reverse-proxy creates the log files on startup and we want to make sure CrowdSec finds these files to monitor.

- 'reverse-proxy'

Next Steps?

Great, you now have CrowdSec installed on your system. Within the post installation steps you will find the next steps to configure and optimize your installation.