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Whitelists are a way to tell CrowdSec to ignore certain events or IP addresses. This can be useful if you have a static IP address that you know is safe, or if you have a service that could generates a lot of false triggers by loading alot of thumbnails, images or fonts.

By default CrowdSec will whitelist private LAN IP addresses via this parser, however you may want to whitelist additional IP addresses or events.

In this guide we will cover how to create some whitelists and how to apply them to your CrowdSec instance.

However, we can't cover every possible use case, so if you have a specific one that isn't covered here, please refer to detailed whitelist documentation


We use "event" as a term to describe a log line that is currently being processed by CrowdSec. An "event" can be a log line from a log file, or an "overflow" from a scenario.

Whitelist Types

There are two different types of whitelists in CrowdSec:

  • Parser (at enrich stage)
  • Postoverflow

Its important to note where these whitelists are applied in the pipeline, as this will affect the behavior and the context of the whitelists.


Parser based whitelists are applied whilst the event is being Enriched. This means that the whitelists will prevent the event (log line) from hitting the scenario stage, leading to better memory management.

typically these files are located in the following locations depending on your OS:

  • Linux: /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s02-enrich/
  • Freebsd: /usr/local/etc/crowdsec/parsers/s02-enrich/
  • Windows: c:/programdata/crowdsec/config/parsers/s02-enrich/


Postoverflow whitelists are applied after a scenario has been triggered. You may want use this stage to do "expensive" whitelists, such as DNS lookups.


We deem a whitelist as "expensive" if it requires a network call or a lookup that could potentially slow down the processing of the event.

typically these files are located in the following locations depending on your OS:

  • Linux: /etc/crowdsec/postoverflows/s01-whitelist/
  • Freebsd: /usr/local/etc/crowdsec/postoverflows/s01-whitelist/
  • Windows: c:/programdata/crowdsec/config/postoverflows/s01-whitelist/

Postoverflow whitelist folders do not exist by default so you MUST manually create them

Which one should I use?

If you know which IP or event pattern you want to whitelist (for example a URI), then you should use a Parser whitelist. If you want to do a more complex whitelist, such as a DNS/rDNS lookup, then you should use the Postoverflow Whitelist.

In short, enricher whitelists are applied to every event (log line), whereas postoverflow whitelists are only applied to triggered scenarios.

Should I create a whitelist?

Whilst configuring CrowdSec for the first time you may want to create a whitelist for the following reasons:

  • You have a static IP address that you want to ensure is never banned.
  • You have a service that could generate a lot of false triggers.

An example of a service that could generate a lot of false triggers is a web application that loads a lot of resources such a thumbnails, images, or fonts.

If you are unsure if you need a whitelist, you can monitor the logs and see if there are any false positives that you want to prevent.

However, please note if you should get a decision made agaisnt your IP address and using remediation components such as iptables or nftables then this will prevent you from accessing ANY service on the server.

Within our enterprise offering we have a feature called Decision Management that allows you to manage decisions via the console.

Creating your first whitelist.

Depending on your criteria, you may want to create a whitelist for a specific IP address, a range of IP addresses, or a specific event pattern.

We will provide examples for each of these scenarios.


The example location shown is for Linux, you will need to adjust the path based on your OS as noted above.

Static IP address

If you want to whitelist a specific IP address for example, you can create a file in the Enricher folder with the following content:

name: my/whitelist ## Must be unqiue
description: "Whitelist events from my IP"
reason: "My IP"
- ""

Once you have created the file you will need to restart the CrowdSec service for the changes to take effect.

Restart CrowdSec
sudo systemctl restart crowdsec

IP Range

If you want to whitelist a range of IP addresses, for example you can create a file in the Enricher folder with the following content:

name: my/whitelist ## Must be unqiue
description: "Whitelist events from my IP range"
reason: "My IP range"
- ""

Once you have created the file you will need to restart the CrowdSec service for the changes to take effect.

Restart CrowdSec
sudo systemctl restart crowdsec

Expression pattern

If you want to whitelist a specific event pattern, for example http log line that is a healthcheck so typically a GET request to /health you can create a file in the Enricher folder with the following content:

name: my/whitelist ## Must be unqiue
description: "Whitelist events with GET /health"
filter: "evt.Meta.service == 'http' && evt.Meta.log_type in ['http_access-log', 'http_error-log']"
reason: "GET /health"
- "evt.Meta.http_verb == 'GET' && evt.Meta.http_path == '/health'"

This will discard any event that has a http_verb of GET and a http_path of /health no matter the origin.

Once you have created the file you will need to restart the CrowdSec service for the changes to take effect.

Restart CrowdSec
sudo systemctl restart crowdsec

Expression whitelists are very powerful and can be used to whitelist based on any field in the event. You can find a more detailed version of the expression guide here which will showcase how you can find which fields are available to you based on the log line you are processing.

Dynamic IP address

If you want to whitelist an IP address that is not static, you need to use a external DDNS service to resolve the IP address and then use the Postoverflow whitelist to whitelist the resolved IP address.


This is a postoverflow whitelist as it requires a network call to resolve the IP address.

name: my/whitelist ## Must be unqiue
description: "Whitelist events from my dynamic IP"
reason: "My dynamic IP"
- evt.Overflow.Alert.Source.IP in LookupHost("")

Please read the LookupHost function documentation before altering the current example.

Testing your whitelist

Once you have created your whitelist, you can test it by running a log line through the parser and checking the output.


In the example we using Nginx logs, you will need to adjust the testing to point towards your log file.

Test an IP/Range whitelist
grep /var/log/nginx/access.log | tail -n 1 | sudo cscli explain -f- --type nginx
Test an Expression whitelist
grep /health /var/log/nginx/access.log | tail -n 1 | sudo cscli explain -f- --type nginx
Example Output
line: - - [05/Sep/2024:18:07:25 +0000] "GET /health? HTTP/2.0" 200 42 "-" "curl/7.68.0"
├ s00-raw
| └ 🟢 crowdsecurity/non-syslog (+5 ~8)
├ s01-parse
| └ 🟢 crowdsecurity/nginx-logs (+23 ~2)
├ s02-enrich
| ├ 🟢 crowdsecurity/dateparse-enrich (+2 ~2)
| ├ 🟢 crowdsecurity/geoip-enrich (+13)
| ├ 🟢 crowdsecurity/http-logs (+8 ~1)
| └ 🟢 my/whitelist (~2 [whitelisted])
└-------- parser success, ignored by whitelist (<Reason will vary here>) 🟢

Currently postoverflows are not supported by cscli explain so you will need to check the logs to see if the whitelist is working.

Example logs line you will see:

Example logs
time="07-07-2020 17:11:09" level=info msg="Ban for whitelisted, reason [My dynamic IP]" id=cold-sunset name=my/whitelist stage=s01

Whitelisted but there still a decision?

Whitelisting an IP address or event will prevent the events from triggering new decisions, however, any existing decisions will still be applied.

You must manually remove the decisions by running:

Remove decisions
sudo cscli decisions delete --ip

Next Steps?

If you are still looking for examples on how to create a whitelist, you can find more detailed documentation here.

If you have created your first whitelist, tested it and happy to continue then click here.