cscli appsec-configs inspect
cscli appsec-configs inspect
Inspect given appsec-config(s)
Inspect the state of one or more appsec-configs
cscli appsec-configs inspect [item]... [flags]
# Display metadata, state, metrics and ancestor collections of appsec-configs (installed or not).
cscli appsec-configs inspect crowdsecurity/virtual-patching
# Don't collect metrics (avoid error if crowdsec is not running).
cscli appsec-configs inspect crowdsecurity/virtual-patching --no-metrics
# Display difference between a tainted item and the latest one.
cscli appsec-configs inspect crowdsecurity/virtual-patching --diff
# Reverse the above diff
cscli appsec-configs inspect crowdsecurity/virtual-patching --diff --rev
--diff Show diff with latest version (for tainted items)
-h, --help help for inspect
--no-metrics Don't show metrics (when cscli.output=human)
--rev Reverse diff output
-u, --url string Prometheus url
Options inherited from parent commands
--color string Output color: yes, no, auto (default "auto")
-c, --config string path to crowdsec config file (default "/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml")
--debug Set logging to debug
--error Set logging to error
--info Set logging to info
-o, --output string Output format: human, json, raw
--trace Set logging to trace
--warning Set logging to warning
- cscli appsec-configs - Manage hub appsec-configs